Julia answers an important call on the day of being discharged from the hospital
Sunday, March 7, 2021
Julia heads home from the hospital
It's bittersweet to leave the hospital. We are so relieved and grateful for the good health of Julia and Asher, but it's also going to be hard to be so far away from our little guy during these earliest days of his life. We will of course be coming in every day to visit as long as our energy allows, and I know we will find a meaningful routine of spending time with him here while still taking care of ourselves.
Little man is feeding at 3mL every 3 hours now! The fullfeed for his weight is 19mL but so far he is on a good pace to get there. Basically they increase the amount slightly every 12 hours and as long as he can tolerate it without vomiting or distending then we are all golden. I think it helps that Julia is able to provide him with her milk already, and things are looking good for her flow to continue increasing as well.
Asher had an uneventful night which we love to hear. Our hearts are warmed every time we see him and know he's safe. It's really sad
for us to not be able to help him more right now. He is in good hands with the nicu nurses - that we know for sure - but we will be happy as we are able to do more and more for him over time. It truly takes a village to raise a child and our village just happens to start with the loving and caring people in the hospital here. Ours is a journey of patience, faith and hope. Taking everything as it comes, moment by moment, and remembering how fortunate we are that our lives are filled with love and support all around us. It is a difficult time like this that brings to light a deep appreciation for all people and all the little acts of kindness that make this world a beautiful place.
We are looking forward to seeing our family, taking a hot shower, sleeping in bed, having space and seeing the pups, but it brings many tears to our eyes that we won't be bringing our baby home today.
Still, it will make it that much more meaningful, powerful and emotional when the day arrives where we take him home.
And also we are so so very happy that our friends Alyssa and Mufeed welcomed their baby girl to the world early this morning. Happy birthday Zeenah ❤
Asher is coming home today
The day has finally arrived for us to bring our baby home and we are over the moon thrilled. We are here on day 38 of our NICU journey, an...